Can robust enterprise tools break the curse of usability nightmare? Join a roundtable of fellow enterprise designers to dissect the unique challenges of these powerful tools, exchange tactics to overcome these roadblocks, explore strategies to adapt research and design methods to create legible, learnable, and (dare we say?) delightful enterprise tools.
Roundtables are slots dedicated to discussions with no more than 16 participants around a specific topic. It's a way to exchange with folks who have the same issues or are in the same stages of career, industry, etc. Each Hatch onsite participant gets the chance to only pick 1 Roundtable, so choose wisely!
Roundtable signups begin August 6th

Qiqi Xu
Qiqi is a product designer and urbanist, deeply passionate about designing software that has real, positive social and climate impact. Currently she leads design and research on Remix by Via, creating tools to plan equitable and efficient public transit systems.